Friday, 4 January 2008


Dear Members
I am very honoured to take this opportunity to welcome you all to the prosperous page "Fol 2006 Alumni". It is intended that this page will act as a medium of communication among members of the Fol 2006 Alumni. Perhaps I should take this opportunity to say a little bit about Fol Alumni. Fol alumni was established soon after completion of class lectures in our final year at Udsm. I remember the occassion to have taken place at River side Hotel at Ubungo, Dar-es-salaam. It is this place where we got first 20 addresses of members. Since then the number has grown considerably. We think in future the number will increase especially through the use of this page. The link since then has proved its usefulness as we have been able to trace the whereabouts of various members and help each other share information. We hope through this page members will feel free to post articles, pictures,photos of various events, videos and other things which sounds important to us. Please feel free to contact the administrator any time. So far we are still developing this page, it might undergo here and there adjustment and changes the aim being to improve it and look more professional. Please do not hesitate to bring along your coments, ask question etc. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Happy NEW YEAR 2008

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Mashauri Musimu

Mashauri Musimu
SOLICITOR-Ilala Municipal Council